Get notified in Slack in real time for Intercom events!

We integrate your Intercom and Slack! Every new mention or CSAT rating is sent to Slack!

Try it out for free now!
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Notify Me Product Hunt Badge

Used and Loved by many Support Leaders and teams! โค๏ธ

4.3/5 score based on many reviews4.6/5 Based on users reviews

We notify you right away whenever you receive a new CSAT rating! As simple as that! ๐Ÿ””

What is NotifyMe app?

Instant integration!

A new private mention by a teammate? CSAT rating in Intercom? Get an automatic message in a Slack channel about it!

Bad CSAT rating?

We help you to spot it on the spot to be able to follow up on it with your customers or teammates!

The usecase you need!

We integrate for the use cases you need! As easy as it is!

Product in Action

Our Demo

See our app in action!


You Receive a CSAT in Intercom

Using our secure and approved Intercom app, we take that CSAT rating and send it to you!


Secure Oauth2 connection ๐Ÿ”’

Our app is secure and approved by Intercom, we use Oauth.2 connection to process your data.

Mighty quick โšก

Instant integration - that is how we do it!

Your Slack

Keeps your team notified around the hour!

You choose the channel to which we send the notification, you also can customise the message we send!


Celebrate the quality ๐ŸŽ‰

Keep your team focused on delivering quality support.

Interactive notification ๐Ÿ’ป

Click on the conversation link to open the conversation to follow up in seconds

Bird-view ๐Ÿฆ

See the CSAT note the customer left in the notification message.

Your Slack

Customise the notifications or get reports as well!

Customise based on the use-case of your needs!


Charge your
Customer Experienc

Your customers = your revenue! And the CX matters the most!